Samantha Tubb

What are you passionate about ?

Both of my parents were teachers, so I grew up talking about education opportunities and challenges over the dinner table. And as a mum to three boys, it’s really focused my attention on wanting to increase the capacity of schools and teachers, to allow them to focus on education. 

Alongside that, I’m interested in child-focused learning - what’s right for one child is not right for another. Spending a year in France with my children really showed me that there are many different approaches to education - there’s lots to learn and share.

What are your greatest accomplishments?

As a non-executive director at ScholarPack from its inception in 2011, I am really proud of its success growing to serve over 1,000 schools by the time it joined The Key Group in 2017. It has had an enormous role in improving MIS provision for primary schools, giving them better data and lightening the load for their teams.  

On a personal level, coming from a local comprehensive school with a low university entrance track record, and being accepted to read Economics at Cambridge, is something I’m proud of. It shows me the importance of having people on your journey who can support you. In turn, I’ve been a school governor at local primary and secondary schools for 6 years, and am a trustee at Emmaus, a homeless charity.

What do you love most about being part of The Key Group?

The calibre of the people, their work rate, ambition, and mission-focus is outstanding. I love learning from my colleagues from across the organisation.

Nicola West Jones

Nicola is the director of insights and external relations at The Key Group


Ian Armitage


Jason Khaksar